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ISO 45001 preliminary level 2 health and safety audit

Do you need a health and safety ISO level 2 45001 preliminary audit?


Any organisation that wants to achieve successful ISO 45001 health and safety certification from a UKAS accredited certification body needs to be thoroughly prepared and understand the strengths and weaknesses of their existing OHS management system before commencing any formal ISO certification process.


If you are planning to achieve ISO 45001 certification, a preliminary level 2 desktop audit carried out by a qualified Safetyboss 45001 lead auditor will enable a detailed written report to be sent which clearly identifies the strengths and weaknesses of your existing OHS management system giving you an understanding of your readiness for certification and clearly identifying areas to focus upon and a prioritised action plan to follow.

How it works:


  • Press the ‘Contact Us’ button.

  • Safetyboss will contact you to discuss your needs and organise paperwork.

  • Once payment has been received you will be e mailed with an electronic form to complete (this consists of a number of questions and details the key documentation that our lead auditor will require to see during the desktop audit).

  • A zoom call will be arranged with our lead auditor who will conduct the desktop audit with you.

  • A detailed report will subsequently be produced including a specific prioritised action plan.

The key benefits:


  • Helps in the identification of areas for improvement to achieve future successful certification

  • Highly qualified Safetyboss ISO 45001 lead auditor carries out the desktop audit

  • Desktop audit and report completed within a day

  • Upon completion a detailed written report is produced that details the strengths and weaknesses of your existing system including a prioritised action plan to enable confidence and greater success when undertaking a future formal ISO certification process

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